Render Context

Whenever you're inside of a layout .html.erb file the scope gives you access to several methods and helpers.


This is either null or a page object. If present it's alway set to the item being currently rendered.


All of the tags that don't start with _ on any page registered. Useful for rendering tag clouds or nav to all tags.

pages_tagged 'tag' or pages_tagged 'tag', all: true

Returns any pages with the given tag, public or private (prfixed with _). By default only returns pages that have been
marked as published by setting the published_at attribute of the page object. If you set all: true the
method returns all pages tagged that value, regardless of whether it was published or not.


If you call this inside the template it will make sure that this is the last template rendered. Useful if you want to have
a completely different layout for different pages or sections of the site.


You can pass values higher up the layout chain, if another layout calls <%= yield :value %> you can populate this by either
calling content_for :value, 'some value' or using the block syntax

<% content_for :header do %>
  <script src="//"></script>
<% end %>